On 3 September 2024, the Agroecology Coalition hosted the webinar “Agroecology, Organic, Regenerative, Nature-based: a conversation on food systems sustainability framings.”  

These terms are increasingly being discussed in the context of food systems and in many cases, it is not clear what are the similarities and differences between them. 

During this 45-minute conversation, speakers provided definitions of these terms and identified the underlying values and principles across these four framings, illustrating their collective contribution to the transformation of our food systems towards resilience and sustainability. 

The panelists of this webinar were Fergus Sinclair (CIFOR-ICRAF and Agroecology TPP), Ercilia Sahores (Regeneration International), Bablu Choitresh Ganguly (IFOAM Organics International), Natasja Oerlemans (WWF Netherlands). The event was co-moderated by Esther Kagai (CSHEP – Kenya) and the Agroecology Coalition Secretariat team.  

You can find a recording of the webinar on and some insights by our panelists on the slides below.

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