Agroecology in Action: Stories from the Ground

Agroecology in Action: Stories from the Ground

During a webinar on 7 November 2024, the Agroecology Coalition launched the new publication “Agroecology in Action: Stories from the Ground”. This document is the product of extensive discussion and presentations under the Agroecology Coalition’s Working Group on...
Agroecology Coalition at COP 16

Agroecology Coalition at COP 16

© AICS Maputo We will be taking part in COP 16, Cali (Colombia) with a delegation from the Secretariat, member organizations and countries. Through our side events and interventions, we will be advocating the transformation of food systems through agroecology in...
Agroecology and Youth

Agroecology and Youth

Agroecology and Youth Young farmers from Tarik Akhdar Project (Picture credits: Fair Trade Lebanon) On the 12th of August we celebrate International Youth Day, a good occasion for us to reflect on the role of youth in transforming food systems through agroecology. The...