Food Resiliency through Agroecology

Food Resilience through Agroecology Nepal Dedicated to developing the required knowledge, skills, resources and technologies needed to scale up agroecology across the Himalayan bioregion  Lead organization Himalaya Agroecology Research and Development (HARD) is a...


Agrobiodiversity on a plate Consumption of Resilient Orphan Crops & Products for Healthier Diets (CROPS4HD) Niger, Chad, Tanzania and India CROPS4HD seeks to improve food security and nutrition of smallholder farmers, especially women, through sustainable use and...


L’agrobiodiversité dans l’assiette Consommation de cultures et produits orphelins résilients pour une alimentation plus saine (CROPS4HD) Niger, Tchad, Tanzanie et Inde CROPS4HD vise à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition des petits exploitants...