Implementation Working Group


1. Create a space to share experiences and knowledge on current respective activities of Group Members, with the final goal of strengthening collaborations and synergies.

2. Get an overview of what is done where, in order to have the bigger picture about what happens globally on agroecology.

3. Increase visibility about programmes and projects that are effectively implementing and scaling up agroecology on the ground (including through a quick mapping).

4. Considering increased demand from countries on how to promote agroecological transitions: connect members of the Coalition to sources of agroecological expertise and other relevant sources of learning on the topic (contextualized research and evidence, mechanisms to work with extension officials).

5. Support the Policies Working Group of the Coalition through availability of evidence and learnings on “what works” from programme/project implementation to policy recommendations and advocacy work.

6. Understanding barriers and enablers to scale up agroecology in different contexts and levels.



Pierre Ferrand - FAO

Pierre Ferrand is Agriculture Officer at FAO. Agronomist, specialist in tropical agronomy and rural development, with more than 18 years of working experience including over 16 years in implementing food and livelihood security projects (agriculture and value chain development, agroecology, farmer extension, support to agriculture service provider networks…) in developing countries, with a strong focus on South East Asia.

Afshan Omar – Malawi Growth Poles Project; Baylor Foundation, Malawi

Afshan Omar is a landscape designer and environmental expert specializing in crafting innovative and sustainable land use solutions through the lens of agroecological design. She is passionate about creating thriving, resilient landscapes and communities that center around a participatory approach, collaborating with diverse stakeholders, especially vulnerable groups, to co-create sustainable land-use solutions. Together, they develop and implement agroecological practices that integrate production with environmental preservation. This includes restoring degraded landscapes, enhancing biodiversity, and building resilience in the face of environmental challenges. Through experiential education, she empowers communities to become stewards of their environment, fostering a deeper connection with the earth and promoting long-term sustainability.

Andrea Gómez Lozano – Proyectar Sin Fronteras

Andrea Gómez Lozano is an Environmental Engineer and Biologist with a Master's degree in Rural Development. She is currently a Project Manager at the Projeter Sans Frontières Foundation, where she leads multidisciplinary teams to ensure the successful execution of agroecology and sustainable development projects. Additionally, she works as the community manager for the Red de Políticas Públicas de América Latina (Red PP-AL), which is a Dispositif de Recherche (dP) of Cirad. Her role involves communication, organizing events and courses, and participating in discussion forums.
  • Pierre Ferrand – FAO
  • Afshan Omar – Baylor Foundation Malawi
  • Andrea Gomez Lozano – Proyectar Sin Fronteras