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Prospects for achieving food systems transformation through agroecology - Agroecology Coalition

Expert panel at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA 2024), Berlin.

Organised by: Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG), Agroecology Coalition, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Germany), Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany)

Transforming our food systems to make them more sustainable, resilient, healthy and equitable requires a paradigm shift. There is now a growing recognition that agroecology is a powerful lever to support this urgently needed transformation. Various ongoing initiatives and policies implemented by governments, producer and civil society organizations, or research institutions on all continents and in many environments, attest to the potential of agroecological approaches to respond to the multiple challenges facing food systems. Building an evidence base is key to showcase and start realizing agroecology’s potential at scale.

This event aims at addressing key issues around agroecology transitions through a mix of introductory remarks and roundtable discussions to deep dive on topics such as game-changing agroecological evidence on diversity, productivity and resilience and conducive agroecological policies. It will highlight the importance of working together through multistakeholder initiatives to accelerate the food systems transformation through agroecology.

The Agroecology Coalition, set up in September 2021, in the margins of the UN Food Systems Summit currently comprises of around 50 countries and regional commissions and more than 130 organizations. In addition, the event will present different tools for measuring agroecological progress and their application in practice: The FAO TAPE, Biovision’s BACT/ACT and the Agroecology Finance Tracking Tool.


  • Jochen Flasbarth State Secretary, BMZ/Germany
  • Christian Hofer State Secretary, FOAG/ Switzerland
  • Silvia Bender State Secretary, BMEL/Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Urs Niggli Institute of Agroecology
  • Sol Ortíz García Ministry of Agriculture, Mexico
  • Josephine Akia Luyimbazi Pelum Country director, Uganda
  • Stefanie Pondini Biovision Foundation
  • Remy Cleuset FAO
  • Oliver Oliveros Agroecology Coalition

Moderated by:

  • Genna Tesdall YPARD


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