Who we are

The multiple interlinked crises in food, climate, and biodiversity present both an urgency and an opportunity to bring together diverse forces and sectors to support a bold proposition put forward by a wide range of actors: transforming food systems through agroecology.  

In 2021, the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) focused attention on the need for concerted action to rethink food systems.  

The Coalition was set up in this context to provide a mechanism for countries and organizations to collaborate on food systems transformation through agroecology to address multiple crises simultaneously.  

The Coalition’s work is guided by the 13 principles of Agroecology defined by the High-Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE-FSN) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) that are aligned with the 10 Elements of Agroecology adopted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s Council in December 2019.  

Today, the Coalition has established itself as an important voice for agroecology in different spaces, including in high-level policy dialogues. Its work and this strategy aim to amplify voices that need to be more widely heard and heeded and to strengthen the impact of its members through collective effort.

The Agroecology Coalition supports the acceleration of food system transformation through agroecology and the implementation of country pathways in five workstreams  

  1. Facilitate co-creation and exchange of knowledge on agroecology 
  2. Foster increased investments in agroecology   
  3. Advocate for and amplify supportive policies for agroecology 
  4. Support and promote market pathways for agroecology 
  5. Support, engage and strengthen our members (cross-cutting) 

At the front and center of the Coalition are its members from different stakeholder groups and regions. Our diverse and growing membership gathers around 350 members (Check them out). As a “coalition of the willing”, the Agroecology Coalition is open to members that commit to implementing food system transformation through agroecology in harmony with the 13 Principles of Agroecology by signing the Declaration of Engagement.  

An inclusive Steering Committee, composed of 10 members representing countries from different regions and stakeholder categories, has been selected from the members and reports to the full membership. Find out more about the Steering Committee here.

To operationalize its activities, the Agroecology Coalition has set up six Working Groups: 

A Permanent Secretariat has also been established in March 2023 to support on-going activities. Find out more about the Secretariat here.

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